From time to time, your septic system may encounter some defects or damages that need to be replaced in order to save the integrity of the system.
If your septic system is leaking or overflowing, or simply not performing how you would like for it to, then a repair is likely you best option. We offer our repair services to those that aren’t interested in giving up on their systems just yet and who wouldn’t benefit from a new system entirely. Instead, we believe in trying to salvage the remaining system if the defect is minor and the repair is doable. This approach also helps you save time and money on small repairs rather than big replacements. Leaks Leaks can occur when your septic tank is rusting or if the connected pipes become loose. Once a leak happens, it can also lead to foul smelling odors coming from or around your lawn where the septic tank it located or it can lead to excessive water-logging in the grass nearby. When a leak happens, we’re on the job to help patch them up and repair them at the source. Repairing a leak in the septic tank requires using industrial-grade materials that ensure that the water cannot seep through again nor will the patch become loosened over time. Clogs If your septic system has become clogged, it is likely from scum buildup. Scum is the top layer of dirt and waste that accumulates on the surface of waste water and can stick to the interiors of the septic tank. |
If the scum accumulates too much, it can clog the the filter or the tank itself, causing water to become blocked or hard waste to buildup and form a strong barrier.
Cleaning out clogs requires more work than keeping the scum at bay to begin with. In order to do this, it’s best to have your filters checked often and ensure that they filter the scum out accordingly so you don’t have to worry about clogs.
If your septic tank begins to overflow, there’s likely a problem with the filter. It’s best to check your filters regularly to ensure they’re properly sorting out waste in the appropriate manner.
Most filters will sort scum from hard and liquid waste. If the filter is not sorting out the waste or it is old and clogged, it can cause the excessive waste to build up and overflow in an undesirable location.
When this happens, you’ll likely notice unsightly mess or unpleasant odors from your septic tank area.
While repairs are handy to help keep your septic tank system going, there are also steps you can take to ensure maintenance is up to par and your tank is running well at all times.
Quality maintenance on your tank includes regular cleanings, frequent inspections, and pumping, when needed. In combining all of these efforts, your tank will run smoothly at all times and will remain reliable when you need it most.
Cleaning out clogs requires more work than keeping the scum at bay to begin with. In order to do this, it’s best to have your filters checked often and ensure that they filter the scum out accordingly so you don’t have to worry about clogs.
If your septic tank begins to overflow, there’s likely a problem with the filter. It’s best to check your filters regularly to ensure they’re properly sorting out waste in the appropriate manner.
Most filters will sort scum from hard and liquid waste. If the filter is not sorting out the waste or it is old and clogged, it can cause the excessive waste to build up and overflow in an undesirable location.
When this happens, you’ll likely notice unsightly mess or unpleasant odors from your septic tank area.
While repairs are handy to help keep your septic tank system going, there are also steps you can take to ensure maintenance is up to par and your tank is running well at all times.
Quality maintenance on your tank includes regular cleanings, frequent inspections, and pumping, when needed. In combining all of these efforts, your tank will run smoothly at all times and will remain reliable when you need it most.